Ingredienti per 4 persone
400 grammi di filetto di manzo
20 grammi di burro
2 tuorli d'uovo
1 limone
1 cucchiaino di cannella
100 grammi di farina
Infarinate i filetti di manzo e fatele rosolare in una padella con del burro a fuoco vivo da entrambe le parti.
Non appena sono cotte toglietele dalla padella e mettetele in un posto caldo.
In una scodella sbattete i tuorli di uovo con il succo del limone e la cannella e uniteli al fondo di cottura della padella sbattendo velocemente in modo tale da non far coagulare troppo l'uovo.
Ottenuta una salsa densa versatela sopra i filetti.
Ingredients for 4 people
400 grams of beef fillet
20 grams of butter
2 egg yolks
1 lemon
1 teaspoon cinnamon
100 grams of flour
Flour the beef fillets and fry in a pan with the butter over high heat on both sides.
As soon as they are cooked remove them from the pan and place in a warm place.
In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with the lemon juice and cinnamon and add to the bottom of the baking pan banging quickly so as not to coagulate the egg too much.
When u have obtain a thick sauce pour it over the fillets.
400 grams of beef fillet
20 grams of butter
2 egg yolks
1 lemon
1 teaspoon cinnamon
100 grams of flour
Flour the beef fillets and fry in a pan with the butter over high heat on both sides.
As soon as they are cooked remove them from the pan and place in a warm place.
In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with the lemon juice and cinnamon and add to the bottom of the baking pan banging quickly so as not to coagulate the egg too much.
When u have obtain a thick sauce pour it over the fillets.