700 grammi di fegato di manzo
Sale, pepe,
4 bicchieri di Champagne Moet et Chandon
400 grammi di burro
5 bacche di ginepro
1 mazzetto di rosmarino
Prendete una teglia non molto grande, mettete un filo di olio e inserite il fegato di manzo tagliato a pezzi non molto piccoli.
Aggiungete i bicchieri di champagne, le bacche di ginepro, il rosmarino, il sale e il pepe.
Accendete il forno e portatelo a 220 gradi. Mettete la teglia in forno e fate cuocere per circa 30 minuti.
Sfornatelo e fatelo raffreddare fuori dal frigo per un'ora circa.
Adesso prendete un frullatore e mettete il fegato all'interno insieme al burro e al pepe.
Frullate il tutto poi mettete il bicchiere del frullatore in frigo per circa 2 ore.
A questo punto prendete delle cocotte da soufflè, foderatele internamente con un foglio di alluminio cercando di non fargli fare delle grinze.
Mettete all'interno in composto fino a farlo arriva al bordo poi lisciate la parte superiore con una spatola e adagiate sopra un altro foglio di alluminio.
Mettete nuovamente in frigo per 12 ore.
Il giorno dopo prendete la vostra cocotte e giratela su un piattino da antipasto e gustate!
700 grams of beef liver
Salt, pepper,
4 glasses of Moet et Chandon Champagne
400 grams of butter
5 juniper berries
1 bunch of rosemary
Take a baking dish not very big, put a little oil and place the beef liver cut into pieces not too small.
Add the champagne glasses, juniper berries, rosemary, salt and pepper.
Turn on the oven and bring to 220 degrees. Put the pan in the oven and cook for about 30 minutes.
Sfornatelo out of the fridge and let it cool for about an hour.
Now take a blender and put it inside the liver with butter and pepper.
Blend all the ingredients then put the blender jug in the fridge for about 2 hours.
At this point, take the casserole from soufflé, foderatele internally with an aluminum foil trying not to let him do the wrinkles.
Put inside in compound until it reaches the edge then smoothed the top with a spatula and arrange on top of another sheet of aluminum.
Put back in refrigerator for 12 hours.
The next day you take your casserole and turn it on a saucer as an appetizer and enjoy!
700 grams of beef liver
Salt, pepper,
4 glasses of Moet et Chandon Champagne
400 grams of butter
5 juniper berries
1 bunch of rosemary
Take a baking dish not very big, put a little oil and place the beef liver cut into pieces not too small.
Add the champagne glasses, juniper berries, rosemary, salt and pepper.
Turn on the oven and bring to 220 degrees. Put the pan in the oven and cook for about 30 minutes.
Sfornatelo out of the fridge and let it cool for about an hour.
Now take a blender and put it inside the liver with butter and pepper.
Blend all the ingredients then put the blender jug in the fridge for about 2 hours.
At this point, take the casserole from soufflé, foderatele internally with an aluminum foil trying not to let him do the wrinkles.
Put inside in compound until it reaches the edge then smoothed the top with a spatula and arrange on top of another sheet of aluminum.
Put back in refrigerator for 12 hours.
The next day you take your casserole and turn it on a saucer as an appetizer and enjoy!