4 peperoni rossi e 4 gialli
5 acciughe salate
3 cucchiai di olio
aglio, prezzemolo, timo
Pulite i peperoni togliendo il picciolo, i semi interni e la parte bianca eccedente.
Tagliatelo avendo cura di tagliare solo 2 centimetri della parte superiore, così da avere "Il contenitore" per un ripieno.
Preparate adesso il ripieno stesso, prendendo una padella e facendo soffriggere, l'olio e l'aglio e aggiungendo le acciughe, i capperi e infine il pangrattato.
Riempite i peperoni e aggiungete anche il prezzemolo tritato e il timo.
Mettete in una pirofila imburrata e infornate a 160 gradi per 50 minuti.
Fate gratinare verso la fine
Accompagnate ad un Negramaro del Salento.
4 red and 4 yellow
5 anchovies
3 tablespoons olive oil
garlic, parsley, thyme
Clean the peppers by removing the stems, seeds and inner white part of the excess.
Cut, taking care to cut just 2 centimeters of the upper part, so as to have "The container" for a filling.
Now prepare the filling , taking a frying pan and make a fry with, oil and garlic. Add the anchovies, capers and finally the breadcrumbs.
Fill the peppers and also add the chopped parsley and thyme.
Put in a buttered casserole dish and bake at 160 degrees for 50 minutes.
Do browning towards near the end
To taste with a red Negramaro of Salento.
4 red and 4 yellow
5 anchovies
3 tablespoons olive oil
garlic, parsley, thyme
Clean the peppers by removing the stems, seeds and inner white part of the excess.
Cut, taking care to cut just 2 centimeters of the upper part, so as to have "The container" for a filling.
Now prepare the filling , taking a frying pan and make a fry with, oil and garlic. Add the anchovies, capers and finally the breadcrumbs.
Fill the peppers and also add the chopped parsley and thyme.
Put in a buttered casserole dish and bake at 160 degrees for 50 minutes.
Do browning towards near the end
To taste with a red Negramaro of Salento.